F. Other Lab Courses
The following list is subject to modification. Refer to sample syllabi and the Course Guide for additional information. Courses with “Y” in the Approved Lab column satisfy the Intermediate/Advanced breadth lab requirement OR the Additional Lab or Field Research experience (for L&S Biology Majors).
Department | Credits | Approved Lab |
Agronomy/Botany/Hort | 339 | 4 | Y | Plant Biotechnology: Principles & Techniques I |
Agronomy/Botany/Hort | 340 | 4 | Y | Plant Cell Culture & Genetic Engineering |
An Sci/Dy Sci | 434 | 3 | Y | Reproductive Physiology |
An Sci/Dy Sci | 362 | 2 | N | Veterinary Genetics |
An Sci/F&W Ecol/Zoology | 521 | 3 | Y | Birds of Southern Wisconsin |
Anatomy & Physiology | 335 | 5 | Y | Physiology |
Anatomy & Physiology | 338 | 2 | Y | Human Anatomy Lab |
Anatomy & Physiology | 435 | 5 | Y | Fundamentals of Human Physiology |
Biocore | 486** | 2 | Y | Organismal Biology Laboratory |
Biochem | 551 (formerly 651) | 4 | Y | Biochemical Methods |
BMolChem | 504 | 3 | Y | Human Biochemistry Lab |
Botany | 300 | 4 | Y | Plant Anatomy |
Botany | 305 | 4 | Y | Plant Morphology & Evolution |
Botany | 330 | 3 | Y | Algae |
Botany/Plant Path | 332 | 4 | Y | Fungi |
Botany/F&W Ecol | 402 | 2 | Y | Dendrology |
Botany | 500 | 4 | Y | Plant Physiology |
Botany/Genetics/Hort | 561 | 3 | N | Introductory Cytogenetics |
Dy Sci | 305 | 2 | Y | Lactation Physiology |
Entom/Zoology | 302 | 4 | Y | Introduction to Entomology |
Entom | 331 | 4 | Y | Taxonomy of Mature Insects |
Kines | 314 | 4 | Y | Physiology of Exercise |
Kines | 338 | 2 | Y | Human Anatomy Lab |
Genetics | 545 | 2 | Y | Genetics Laboratory |
GeoSci/Zoology | 542 | 3 | N | Invertebrate Paleontology |
Microbio | 304 | 2 | Y | Biology of Microorganisms Laboratory |
Micro | 525 | 2 | Y | Advanced Biological Laboratory Practices: A Research Experience |
Microbio | 551 | 2 | Y | Capstone Research Project in Microbiology |
Phm Sci | 558 | 2 | Y | Laboratory Techniques in Pharmacology & Toxicology |
Pl Path | 558 | 3 | Y | Biology of Plant Pathogens |
Zoology | 430 | 5 | Y | Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates |
Zoology | 612 | 2 | Y | Comparative Physiology Laboratory |
**Students must complete Biocore 382 & 384 to count 486 towards Requirement 5.