Curriculum Updates
Date | Department | Number | Course Title | Action |
10/28/99 | Forestry | 312 | Wood Identification | Removed from curriculum (Appendix I: 5e) |
10/28/99 | Forestry | 410 | Principles of Silviculture | Added under Appendix I: 5e |
10/28/99 | Forestry | 415 | Tree Physiology | Added under Appendix I: 5e |
3/14/00-effective Summer 2000 | EnvTox | 625 | Toxicology I | Moved from Appendix I: 5a, to Appendix I: 5e |
3/31/00 | Neurosci | 625 | Brain Cell Cultures: A Laboratory Course | Added under Appendix I: 5a |
4/14/00 –effective Fall 2000 | Zoology/Anthro/Psych/Neurosci | 619 | Biology of Mind | Moved from Appendix I: 5b, to Appendix I: 5d |
5/11/00 | Zoology | 625 | Development of the Nervous System | Moved from Appendix I: 5b, to Appendix I: 5a |
9/8/00–effective Fall 2000 | FoodSci | 530 | Food Processing I | Incorrectly listed under Appendix I: 5e as having 2 hrs of lab/week. This is a lecture course only. |
10/24/00–effective Fall 2000 | Zoology | 430/431 | Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates | Combined course including both lecture & lab: Zoo 430 @ 5credits/6 hours of lab/week. (The separate Zoo 431 lab has been eliminated.) Effective this term, students who complete the 5 credit Zoo 430 course will have it count towards their 3 hr lab requirement for Requirement 5. |
11/8/00–effective Fall 1999 | Hort | 370 | World Vegetables: history, culture, and distribution | Added to Appendix I: 5e |
11/10/00–effective Fall 2000 | Entom/AHABS/Zoology | 371 | Medical Entomology | Should count for a student’s 3 hrs of lab requirement under Requirement 5 (course was previously listed as a lecture only). |
11/8/01 | Zoology | 675 | Modern Biological Microscopy | Added to Appendix I: 5e Biology and 5e for Neurobiology |
Prev Med | 797 | Introduction to the Strategy and Methods of Epidemiology | Added to Appendix II: 5e | |
Envir St/Prev Med | 502 | Air Pollution and Human Health | Added to Appendix I: 5e and Neurobiology 5e | |
11/8/01 | Psych | 484 | Honors-Behavioral Neurosciences | Added as a substitute for Neuro 524 in NB under requirement 5 and added to Appendix II: 5b |
11/8/01 | Neurosci/Physiol | 610 | Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience | Added to Appendix II: 5a |
11/8/01 | Neurosci/Physiol | 625 | Brain Cell Cultures Lab Courses | Moved from Appendix I: 5a to Appendix II: 5a |
11/8/01 | Neurosci | 675 | Cell Death | Added to Appendix II: 5a |
11/8/01 | Physiol | 615 | Cellular Physiology | Added to Appendix II: 5a |
11/8/01 | Zoology | 630 | Cellular Signal Transduction Mechanisms | Added to Appendix II: 5a |
11/8/01 | Com Dis | 503 | Neural Mechanisms of Speech, Hearing and Language | Added to Appendix II: 5b |
11/8/01 | Kines | 721 | Neural Basis of Movement | Added to Appendix II: 5b |
11/8/01 | Kines | 861 | Principles of Motor Control and Learning | Added to Appendix II: 5b |
11/8/01 | Neurosci/Physiol | 611 | Systems Neuroscience | Added to Appendix II: 5b |
11/8/01 | Neurosci | 630 | Neuronal Mechanisms for Sensation and Memory in the Cerebral Cortex | Added to Appendix II: 5b |
11/8/01 | NeuroPhy | 730 | Sensory Mechanisms of Audition | Added to Appendix II: 5b |
11/8/01 | Psych | 406 | Psychology of Perception | Added to Appendix II: 5b |
11/8/01 | Psych | 411 | Psychobiology of Stress and Coping | Added to Appendix II: 5b |
11/8/01 | Psych | 414 | Cognitive Psychology | Added to Appendix II: 5b |
11/8/01 | Psych | 486 | Psychology of Perception (honors) | Added to Appendix II: 5b |
11/8/01 | Zoology | 510 | Ecology of Fishes | Added to Appendix II: 5c |
11/8/01 | Botany | 430 | Tropical Plant Diversity | Added to Appendix I: 5d Biology and NB 5d |
11/8/01 | Envir St | 400 | Special Topics in Environmental Studies | will not be accepted in 5 in the Biology Major |
1/10/01 | Path | 404 | Pathophysiologic Principles of Human Disease | Added to Appendix II: 5b |
1/10/01 | Genetics | 545 | Genetics Laboratory | Added to Appendix I: 5b Biology and to 5f NB |
1/10/02 | Pharm Sci | 558 | Laboratory Techniques in Pharmacology and Toxicology | Added to Appendix II: 5a |
2/22/01 | Zoology | 521 | Ornithology | Added to Appendix I: 5b and added to 5f NB 5f |
8/9/02 | Neurosci | 675 | Neuroethology | Added to NB 5b and Appendix II: 5b |
8/9/02 | Psychology | 509 | Abnormal Psychology | Added to NB 5b and Appendix II: 5b |
8/9/02 | Psychology | 618 | Neurobiology of Working Memory | Added to NB 5f |
8/9/02 | – Revised Wording – | – | – | NB new wording: In addition to the above two required courses, students must take a minimum of three more courses: two from the combined lists for categories “a” and “b” and one from categories “c” or “d”. |
8/9/02 | WL Ecol | 561 | Wildlife Management Techniques | Added to Appendix I: 5e and NB 5e |
8/9/02 | Zoology | 677 | Internship in Ecology | Added to Appendix I: 5c and NB 5c |
3/4/03 | WL Ecol | 379 | Principles of Wildlife Management | Added to Appendix I: 5c and NB 5c |
7/3/03 | Neurosci/ Zoology | 635 | Neurobiology of Disease | Added to NB 5b and Appendix II: 5b |
7/3/03 | Psych | 484 | Honors- Behavioral Neurosciences | Removed as an option for Neurosci 524 in NB |
effective Fall 2003 | – Revised Wording – | – | – | NB new wording: In addition to the above two required courses, students must take a minimum of three more courses: one from category “a”, one from category “b” and one from categories “c” or “d”. |
10/16/03 | Physiology | 533 | Molecular Physiology | Added to Appendix I: 5a |
11/25/03 | AHABS/Hort | 500 | Molecular Biology Techniques | Added to Appendix I: 5e and NB 5e |
11/26/03 | Biochem/Genetics | 703 | Topics in Eukaryotic Regulation | Added to Appendix II: 5a replacing Biochem/Genetics 603 |
11/26/03 | Biochem/Pharm | 620 | Eukaryotic Molecular Biology | Added to Appendix II: 5a |
1/20/04 | Anatomy/Pop Hlth | 575 | The Biological Processes of Aging | Added to Appendix I: 5b |
1/26/04 | Obs&Gyn | 410 | Biological Determinants of Health Disparities | Added to Appendix I: 5e |
effective Fall 2004 | Psych | 509 | Abnormal Psychology | Not accepted in 5 for the Biology Major & NB |
effective Fall 2004 | Foundational Courses | – | – | Foundational Courses will be included in Introductory Biology Options A and C |
8/17/04 | Zoology | 555 | Laboratory in Developmental Biology | Added to Appendix I: 5a and NB 5f |
9/1/04 | Pathology | 751 | Cell and Molecular Biology of Aging | Added to NB 5a and Appendix II: 5a |
11/17/04 | Anthro | 438 | Functional and Evolutionary Biology of Primates | Added to Appendix II: 5b |
11/17/04 | Botany | 563 | Phylogenetic Analysis of Molecular Biology | Moved from Appendix II: 5d to Appendix I: 5d |
11/17/04 | Envir St/Pop Hlth | 471 | Introduction to Environmental Health | Added to Appendix I: 5e for Biology and NB 5e |
12/6/04 | Neurosci | 629 | Molecular Mechanisms of Memory | Added to NB 5a and Appendix II: 5a |
effective Fall 2005 | Anthro/ Neurosci/ Psych/ Zoology | 619 | Biology of Mind | Moved from Appendix I: 5d to Appendix I: 5b and removed from NB |
effective Fall 2005 | Zoology | 425 | Evolution of Behavior | Added to Appendix I: 5d for Biology and NB 5d |
4/26/05 | Agronomy | 338 | Plant Breeding and Biotechnology | Removed from Appendix I: 5e and added to Foundational Courses |
5/24/05 | Pl Path | 300 | Introduction to Plant Pathology | Added to Appendix I: 5e for Biology and NB 5e |
5/24/05 | Zoology | 470 | Introduction to Animal Development | Moved from Appendix I: 5b to Appendix I: 5a |
5/24/05 | Zoology | 603 | Endocrinology | Added to Appendix II: 5b for Biology |
9/12/05 | Nutri Sci | 320 | Nutrition for Health and Disease | Added to Appendix I: 5e |
10/25/05 | Neurosci/ Zoology | 635 | Neurobiology of Disease | Moved from NB 5b and Appendix II: 5b to 5a |
10/25/05 | Neurosci | 675 | Molecular Mechanisms of Brain Damage | Added to Neurobiology and Biology 5a |
10/25/05 | Neurosci | 675 | Stem Cells in Neurobiology | Added to NB and Biology 5a |
10/25/05 | Neurosci | 675 | Reproductive Neuroendocrinology | Added to NB and Biology 5a |
10/25/05 | Zoology | 765 | Developmental Neurobiology | Added to NB and Biology 5a |
10/25/05 | Neurosci/Zoology | 675/932 | Brain, Behavior and Evolution | Added to NB and Biology 5b |
10/25/05 | Neurosci/Zoology | 675 | Neuroethology | Added to NB and Biology 5b |
10/25/05 | Psych | 486 | Psychology of Perception honors credit | Added to NB and Biology 5b |
10/25/05 | Psych | 411 | Sex Differences in the Brain | Added to NB and Biology 5b |
3/27/06 | Path | 751 | Cell and Molecular Biology of Aging | Removed from NB and Biology 5a |
4/10/06 | Agronomy/Botany/Hort | 339 | Plant Biotechnology Principles and Techniques I | Added to Biology 5a |
4/10/06 | Agronomy/Botany/Hort | 340 | Plant Biotechnology Principles and Techniques II | Added to Biology 5a |
5/18/06 | Neurosci | 675 | Functional Imaging of Cognitive Disorders | Added to NB and Biology 5b |
8/10/06 | Anatomy | 329 | Human Anatomy Lab | Added to NB 5f |
8/10/06 | Bact | 527 | Physiology of Microorganisms Laboratory | Added to NB 5f |
8/10/06 | Bact | 551 | Physiological Diversity of Prokaryotes Lab | Added to NB 5f |
8/10/06 | Biochem | 651 | Biochemical Methods | Added to NB 5f |
8/10/06 | Entom | 331 | Taxonomy of Mature Insects | Added to NB 5f |
8/10/06 | Kines | 314 | Physiology of Exercise | Added to NB 5f |
8/10/06 | MM&I | 302 | Medical Microbiology Laboratory | Added to NB 5f |
8/10/06 | MM&I | 412 | Medical Mycology Laboratory | Added to NB 5f |
8/10/06 | Phm Sci | 558 | Laboratory Techniques in Pharmacology and Toxicology | Added to NB 5f |
8/30/06 | Ther Sci | 713 | Neural Basis of Normal and Pathological Movement | Added to NB 5b and Appendix II: 5b for Biology |
2/14/07 | Hort | 550 | Molecular Approaches for Crop Improvement | Added to Biology 5e and NB 5e |
3/14/07 | Microbio | 450 | Diversity, Ecology and Evolution of Microorrganisms | Added to Biology 5d and NB 5d |
4/30/07 | Zoology | 555 | Laboratory in Developmental Biology | Added to NB 5a |
9/17/07 | – Revised Wording – | – | – | Addition to requirement five wording: The course or courses used to satisfy any category must be at least, or add up to, 2 credits. |
9/17/07 | Agron/ Env Tox/ Entom/ WL Ecol | 632 | Ecotoxicology: The Chemical Players | Added to Biology 5c and NB 5c |
9/17/07 | Agron/ Env Tox/ Entom/ WL Ecol | 633 | Ecotoxicology: Impacts on Individuals | Added to Biology 5c and NB 5c |
9/17/07 | Agron/ Env Tox/ Entom/ WL Ecol | 634 | Ecotoxicology: Impacts on Populations, Communities and Ecosystems | Added to Biology 5c and NB 5c |
9/17/07 | Psych | 449 | Animal Behavior | Moved from Biology 5b to 5d |
9/17/07 | Psych | 450 | Animal Behavior – The Primates | Moved from Biology 5b to 5d |
9/17/07 | Psych | 550 | Animal Communication and the Origins of Language | Moved from Biology 5b to 5d |
9/17/07 | Psych | 484 | Honors—Behavioral Neurosciences | Added to Biology 5b |
9/17/07 | Psych | 485 | Honors Laboratory in Behavioral Neuroscience | Added to Biology 5b |
9/17/07 | Zoology | 677 | Internship in Ecology | Removed from Biology 5c and NB 5c |
10/15/07 | Anthro | 304 | Heredity, Environment and Human Populations | Added to Biology 5d and NB 5d |
10/15/07 | Pl Path | 300 | Introduction to Plant Pathology | Moved from Biology and NB 5e to 5c |
10/15/07 | Botany/Entom/Pl Path | 505 | Plant-Microbe Interactions: Molecular and Ecological Aspects | Added to Biology 5a Appendix II |
11/19/07 | Microbiology/Soil Sci | 425 | Environmental Microbiology | Added to Biology 5e and NB 5e Appendix II |
11/19/07 | – Revised Requirement – | – | – | L&S Honors requires six credits (previously four to six credits) of Senior Honors Thesis |
12/17/07 | Dy Sci | 305 | Lactation | Added to Biology 5b Appendix II |
12/17/07 | Zoology | 548 | Ecology of Rivers and Streams | Added to Biology 5c and NB 5c Appendix II |
3/12/08 | Anthro | 302 | Hominoid Evolution | Added to Biology, Evolutionary Biology, and NB 5d Appendix II |
3/12/08 | Anthro | 411 | The Evolution of the Genus, Homo | Added to Biology, EL, and NB 5d Appendix II |
3/12/08 | Anthro | 603 | Seminar in Evolutionary Theory | Added to Biology, EL, and NB 5d Appendix II |
effective Fall 2008 | F&W Ecol | 318 | Principles of Wildlife Ecology | Moved from Appendix I: 5c for Biology, EL, and NB to 5e |
4/16/08 | Hort | 382 | Organic Colloquium | Added to Biology, EL, and NB 5e |
4/16/08 | Hort | 392 | Tropical Horticulture | Added to Biology, EL, and NB 5e |
5/21/08 | Pl Path | 558 | Biology of Plant Pathogens | Added to Biology and EL 5b Appendix II |
9/09 | Genetics | 545 | Genetics Lab | Removed from the capstone list |
12/18/09 | Neurosci/Zoology | 675/962 | Behavioral Neuroendocrinology | Added to NB 5b |
3/2/10 | Geosci | 541 | Paleobiology | Added to category “D” |
3/2/10 | Geosci | 542 | Invert Paleontology | Added to Biology, EL category “B” |
8/23/10 | Botany | 430 | Tropical Plant Diversity | Removed from category “D”, no longer taught |
8/23/10 | Botany | 350 | Intro to Plant Physiology | Removed from category “B”, no longer taught |
8/23/10 | Botany/Zoology | 578 | Princ&Meth-Systematc Biology | Removed from category “D”, no longer taught |
8/23/10 | Botany/Microbiol/Pl Path | 636 | Fungal Ecol & Biotechnology | Removed from category “C”, no longer taught |
9/29/10 | Botany | 474 | Ethnobotany | Added to category “E” |
9/29/10 | An Sci/Dy Sci | 320 | Animal Health & Diseases Management | Added to category “E” |
10/27/10 | Physiol | 435 | Fundamentals of Human Physiology | Added to category “B” for Biology, and “F” for NB |
Fall 2010 | An Sci/Comp Bio | 404 | Vertebrate Physiology | No longer offered |
2/18/11 | Nutr Sci | 631 | Clinical Nutrition | Mistakenly listed in categories “A” and “B”, should be “B” only |
7/11 | Neurosci | 675 | Epigenetics in the Central Nervous System | Added to category “A” NB |
Fall 2011 | F&W Ecol | 318 | Principles of Wildlife Ecology | Enrollment limited to Wildlife Ecology Majors only |
3/26/12 | Neurosci/Zoology | 675/400 | Neuroethology | Permanent course number 620. Neuroethology Seminar. Remains category “B” for NB |
5/23/12 | Psych | 411 | Neuroeconomics | Added to category “B” for NB option |
11/23/12 | Psych | 411 | Neuropharmacology | Title change: Fomerly Neurochemistry of Drugs and Behavior |
12/12/12 | NTP/Zoology | 675/400 | Modeling Neurodevelopmental Disease | Category “A” course for NB |
12/12/12 | Zoology | 572 | Cell Biology Laboratory | Removed from category “A”, no longer offered |
3/19/13 | Agron/Botany/Soil Sci | 370 | Grassland Ecology | Added to category “C” |
3/19/13 | Bot/Ento/Pl Path | 505 | Plant-Microbe Interactions: Molecular & Ecol Aspects | Co-listed in “A” and “B”, should only be “A” |
3//19/13 | F&W Ecol/Land Arc/Zoology | 565 | Principles-Landscape Ecology | Added to Category “C” |
3/19/13 | Zoology | 400 | Mammology | Added to Category “B” |
3/19/13 | Zoology | 400 | Marine & Freshwater Invertebrates | Added to Category “B” |
3/19/13 | Botany | 563 | Phylogenetic Anal-Molec Data | Moved to advanced pre-reqs for category “D” |
3/19/13 | Psych | 454 | Behavioral Neuroscience | Added to category “B” for NB |
3/19/13 | Psych | 455 | Lab in Behavioral Neuroscience | Added to category “B” for NB |
3/19/13 | Bmolchem | 504 | Human Biochemistry Lab | Approved as capstone course |
3/19/13 | Physiology | 435 | Fundamentals of Human Physiology | Approved as capstone course |
4/22/13 | Kines | 321 | Intro to the Neural Basis of Movement | Course number changed to 531 |
5/21/13 | EdPsych | 326 | Mind, Brain and Education | Added to category “B” NB; will not count towards Biology categories |
5/21/13 | Psych | 411 | Epigenetics and the Brain | Added to category “A” for both NB and the Biology Major |
8/9/13 | MM&I/Path-Bio | 529 | Immunology Laboratory | No longer offered, removed from category “A” |
8/9/13 | MM&I | 412 | Medical Mycology Laboratory | No longer offered, removed from category “B” |
8/9/13 | MM&I/Path-Bio | 529 | Immunology Laboratory | No longer offered, removed from category “B” |
12/3/13 | NTP | 675 | Role of Lipids in Brain Injury | No longer offered. Removed from NB Category “A” |
1/9/14 | An Sci/Dy Sci | 373 | Animal Physiology | Added to Biology category “B” |
1/9/14 | Psych | 504 | Affective Neuroscience | Added to NB option category “B”. Students cannot take both Psych 504 and Psych 411 for major credit. |
1/9/14 | NTP/Zoology | 604 | Genes and Disorders Lab | Added to Biology and NB categories “A” |
1/27/14 | Pl Path | 517 | Plant Disease Resistance | Added to category “E” |
1/27/14 | Psych | 411 | Neural Basis of Cognitive Control | Added to Biology and NB categories “B” |
2/6/14 | An Sci/Genetics | 610 | Quantitative Genetics | Removed from “D”, course last taught in 2004 |
3/18/14 | Anthro/Zoology | 439 | Comparative Anatomy of Non-human Primates | Removed from “B”, last taught Spring 2000 |
3/18/14 | Anthro | 438 | Functional & Evolutionary Biology of Primates | Removed from “B”, last taught Fall 1998 |
3/18/14 | Botany | 360 | Bryophytes | Removed from “B”, last taught Fall 2007 |
3/18/14 | Anat/Pop Hlth | 575 | The Biological Process of Aging | Removed from “B”, last taught Spring 2008 |
3/18/14 | Psych | 411 | Sex Differences in the Brain | Removed from “B” and NB “B”, topic no longer taught |
3/18/14 | NTP/Zoology | 675/932 | Brain, Behavior, & Evolution | Removed from “B” and NB “B”, no longer taught |
3/18/14 | Zoology | 675 | Modern Biological Microscopy | Removed from “E”, no longer offered |
3/18/14 | Botany | 329 | Microtechnique | Removed from “E”, last taught Fall 2000 |
3/18/14 | Food Sci | 530 | Food Processing I | Removed from “E”, no longer offered |
3/18/14 | Ob&Gyn | 410 | Biological Determinants of Health Disparities | Removed from “E”, last taught Spring 2005 |
3/18/14 | An Sci | 509 | Poultry Breeding | Removed from “E”, no longer offered |
3/18/14 | Nutri Sci | 320 | Nutrition for Health & Disease | Removed from “E”, last taught Spring 2006 |
3/18/14 | Botany/Hort/Soil Sci | 626 | Mineral Nutrition of Plants | Removed from “E”, last taught Fall 2010 |
3/18/14 | Microbio | 550 | Physiological Diversity of Prokaryotes | Removed from “A”, no longer offered |
3/18/14 | Botany | 468 | Patterns in Biological Design: An Intro to Systems Biolog | Removed from “C”, no longer offered |
3/18/14 | Botany/En St/F&W Ecol | 461 | Environmental Systems Concepts | Removed from “C”, no longer offered |
3/27/14 | Bmolchem | 503 | Human Biochemistry | Removed from Biol and NB Foundation, and “A” Biol and EL – not offered after Spring 2014. |
4/24/14 | Genetics | 620 | Population & Quantitative Genetics | Removed from “D”, class last taught Spr 2003 |
9/11/14 | Med Phys/NTP | 471/675 | Methods for Neuroimaging Research | Added to category “B” for NB; “E” for Biology |
10/14 | LACIS | 440/401 | Organic Horticulture (Topic) will change to Organic & Sustainable Horticulture | Added to category “E” for Biology, EL, but not PL, NB. No lab hrs approved. |
11/14 | NTP/Physiol/Zoology | 675/400(616) | Lab in Neurophysiology & Behavior | Added to Biology and NB category “A” |
12/14 | F&W Ecol/Zoology | 660 | Climate Change Ecology | Added to Biology “C”, no options |
12/14 | Entom/F&W Ecol | 500 | Insects in Forest Ecosystem Function & Mgmt | Lab component no longer offered |
1/15 | Psych | 455 | Laboratory in Behavioral Neuroscience | Removed from “B” and NB “B” – not offered after Spring ’13 |
1/15 | Psych | 485 | Honors Laboratory in Behavioral Neuroscience | Not a lab course, 2 hr/week removed |
1/15 | MM&I | 302 | Medical Microbiology Lab | Removed from “B” and “F” (NB). Course not taught after Fall 2014. |
2/15 | Anthro | 411 | The Evolution of the Genus, Homo | Removed from “D”, last taught Spring 2009 |
2/15 | CS&D | 210 | Neural Basis of Communication | Approved for NB “B” |
2/15 | Entom | 432 | Taxonomy & Bionomics of Immature Insects | Approved for “D” for Biology only |
2/15 | Psych | 501 | Behavioral Neuroendocrinology | Approved for “B” Biology and NB for Spring 2015 only |
2/15 | Agronomy/Botany/Hort | 340 | Plant Biotechnology: Principles & Techniques | Name changed 8/14 to Plant Cell Culture & Genetic Engineering |
3/15 | F&W Ecol | 550 | Forest Ecology | 2 hr lab no longer offered. Lab replaced with F& W Ecol 551 – Fall 2015) |
3/15 | Anthro | 641 | Evolution of the Human Diet | Removed from “D”, last taught 2008 |
3/15 | Agron/Hort | 328 | Integrated Weed Management | Removed from “E”, no longer taught |
3/15 | Botany/Pl Path | 620 | Plant Pathogenic Fungi | Removed from “D”, last taught 1999 |
3/15 | Botany/Zoology | 450 | Midwestern Ecological Issues: A Case Study Approach | Removed from “C”, last taught 2009 |
3/15 | Botany | 305 | Plant Morphology & Evolution (formerly Principles of Plant Structure) | Moved from Category “B” to “D” for Biology and EL |
3/15 | Entom/Genetics | 472 | Molecular Evolution | Added to category “D” for Biology (Spring ’15 only) |
4/15 | Entom | 342 | Insect Ecology | Removed from “C” for Biology, EL and NB. Last taught 2010, replaced by Entom 450/1 |
5/15 | Psych | 484 | Honors-Behavioral Neurosciences | Removed from “B” for Biology, EL. Class last taught Fall 2003 |
5/15 | Zoology | 548 | Ecology of Rivers & Streams | Course discontinued, last taught Fall 2010. Removed from “C” for Biology, EL and NB. |
5/15 | Biochem | 702 | Biochemical Mechanism of Regulation in the Cell | Removed from “A” for Biology and EL. Last taught Spr ’05 |
5/15 | Food Sci | 612 | Food Enzymes | Removed from “E” for Biology, EL and NB. Last taught Fall ’03 |
5/15 | Food Sci/Microbio | 650 | Advanced Microbiology of Foodborne Pathogens | Removed from “B” for Biology and EL. Last taught Spr’10, “not be offered in foreseeable future” |
5/15 | Genetics/Md Genetics | 677 | Evolutionary Systems Biology | Added to “D” for Biology. Fall ’15 only. |
5/15 | Genetics | 677 | Developmental Genetics for Conservation | Added to “A” for Biology. Fall ’15 only |
2015 | Biology | 675 | Evolution Seminar Series becomes Biology/Genetics 522 for Fall | |
7/15 | Botany | 563 | Phylogenetic Analysis of Molecular Data | 2 hr/wk lab no longer offered. |
10/15 | Anthro | 411 | The Evolution of the Genus, Homo | Added back to “D” for 112, 112EL, and 112NB. Course resumed after 6 year hiatus |
10/15 | Biochem | 651 | Biochemical Methods | Course number changed to 551, credit increase from 3 to 4. |
11/15 | NTP | 670 | Stem Cells & the Central Nervous System | Removed from “A” for NB. Course no longer taught |
11/15 | Psych | 411 | Hormones, Brain, and Behavior | Removed from NB “B”. Course became Psych 501: Behavioral Neuroendocrinology |
11/15 | Botany | 575 | Principles & Applications of Forensic Botany | Approved for “E” for 112, 112 PL, 112NB – Spring ’16 only |
11/15 | Botany | 575 | Desert Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | Approved for “C” and “Y” lab for 112, 112PL, 112NB Spring ’16 only |
11/15 | Agron/Hort | 375 | Genetically Modified Crops: Science, Regulation & Controversy | Approved for “E” for 112, 112NB, 112PL for Spring ’16 only |
11/15 | Agronomy/Dy Sci/Envir St | 375/375/400 | Food Systems, Sustainability & Climate Change | Approved for “E” and approved lab for 112, 112NB, 112EL for Spring ’16 only |
11/15 | Psych | 450 | Title change – Primates & Us formerly Animal Behavior – The Primates | Still category “D” for 112, 112NB, 112EL |
11/15 | Psych | 501/581 | Hormones, Brain & Behavior (Formerly Behavioral Neuroendocrinology – Spr’15 only) | Title change approved for 112, and 112NB for “B” Spring ’16 only. Newly added to 112EL “B” for Spr’16 only |
1/16 | Zoology | 303 | Biology of Aquatic Invertebrates (formerly Zool 400:Marine & Freshwater Invertebrates) | Approved for “B” for 112, and 112EL. “N” for lab. |
1/16 | Zoology | 400 | General Molecular Biology | Approved for category “A for 112, 112 NB, 112 EL – Spr’16 only |
2/16 | Botany | 575 |
Intro to Modern Statistical Methods for
Biologists |
Approved for second math requirement for 112, 112NB & 112PL, 112EL – Fall ’16 only |
2/16 | Biochem | 703 |
Topics in Eukaryotic Regulation
Removed from “A” for 112, 112EL. Last taught 2013, no longer offered |
2/16 | Psych | 485 |
Honors Laboratory in Behavioral Neuroscience
Course discontinued, removed from “B” for 112, 112 EL |
2/16 | MM&I/Zoology | 351 |
Parasitology Laboratory
Last taught Spr’11, no longer taught. Removed from “F” 112NB |
2/16 | NTP | 675 |
Epigenetics in the Central Nervous
Title last taught 2011 removed from 112NB “A”, re-approved as Psych 411: Epigenetics & the Brain |
3/16 | Microbio | 527 | Removed from active lists 112, 112EL, “B” and “Y”, & 112NB “F” and “Y”. Professor does not want course listed. Course title also changed to” Adv Lab Techniques – Microbio“ | |
3/16 | Agron/Botany/Hort | 340 | Removed reference for former course title: Biotechnology Principles & Techniques II) | |
3/16 | Botany/Genetics/Zoology | 466 |
Principles of Genetics
Title change from General Genetics |
3/16 | Botany | 450 |
Midwestern Ecological Issues
Re-evaluated/approved for “C” for 112, 112EL, 112PL, 112NB |
4/16 | Med Phys/NTP | 671/675 |
Methods for Neuroimaging Research
Formerly Med Physics/NTP 471/675. Approved for 112NB “B” and “Y”, “E” and “Y” for 112 and 112EL. Fall ’16 only. |
4/16 | Genetics/Md Genetics | 677 |
Evolutionary Systems Biology
Approved for “E” and “Y” for 112, 112EL, 112NB, 112PL for Fall 16 only |
5/16 | Entom | 321 |
Physiology of Insects
Approved for “B” for 112, and 112EL |
5/16 | Genetics | 467 |
General Genetics I
Approved for “A” for 112, 112EL, and 112PL |
5/16 | Genetics | 468 | General Genetics II | Approved for Foundational or “D” for 112, 112EL, 112NB, 112PL |
5/16 | Psych | 454 | Behavioral Neuroscience | Removed from 112NB “B”. Replaces NTP/Psych/Zoology 524 which will no longer be taught. |
5/16 | Biocore | 587 | Biological Interactions | Removed from Intro Biology requirement, and approved for”E” for 112, 112EL, 112NB, 112PL |
5/16 | Biocore | 486 | Organismal Biology Lab | Removed from Intro Biology requirement and approved for “B” for 112, 112EL, 112NB, 112PL |
6/16 | F&W Ecol | 410 | Principles of Silviculture | Removed “Y” for category “E” for 112, 112EL, 112PL, 112NB. New lab course 411 |
9/16 | Agron/Hort/Pl Path | 360 | Genetically Modified Crops: Science, Regulation & Controversy | Previously 375, approved Spr’16 only. Approved for “E” for 112, 112EL, 112PL & 112NB |
9/16 | Micro | 525 | Advanced Biological Laboratory Practices: A Research Experience | Approved for “B” and “Y” for 112 and 112EL, 112NB for “F” and “Y” |
11/16 | Psych | 501/581 | Hormones, Brain & Behavior | Topic course re-approved for 112, 112EL, 112NB for “B” for Spring 2017 |
11/16 | ( |
400/475/375/590 | Food Systems, Sustainability, and Climate Change | Approved for 112, 112EL and 112NB for “E” and “Y”. Spring ’17. Register under Envir St/Geog/Pl Path or Urb R Pl only |
11/16 | ( Botany |
575 |
Frontiers in Plant Biology | Approved for “E” for 112, 112EL, 112 NB, and seminar requirement for 112PL – Spring ’17. Register under Botany or Pl Path only |
11/16 | Entom/Genetics/Zoology | 624 | Molecular Ecology | Approved for “D” for 112, 112EL and 112NB. Formerly Entom/Genetics 472: Molecular Evolution |
11/16 | Pl Path | 375 | Plant Microbiomes | Approved for “C” and “Y” for 112, 112EL,112PL and 112NB – Spring ’17. |
11/16 | Zoology | 300 | Invertebrate Biology & Evolution | Approved for “D” for 112, 112EL and 112NB |
11/16 | Zoology | 301 | Invertebrate Biology & Evolution Lab | Approved for “D” and “Y” for 112, 112EL and 112NB |
11/16 | Zoology | 400 | General Molecular Biology | Conditionally reapproved for category “A for 112, 112 NB, 112 EL – previously Spr’16 only |
12/16 | NTP/Zoology | 675/400 | Modeling Neurodevelopmental Disease | Course number changed to 655. “A” for 112, 112NB |
12/16 | Biology/Genetics | 522 | Evolution Seminar Series UG | Approved for “E” for 112, 112NB, and 112PL |
12/16 | Zoology | 500 | Undergrad Neurobiology Seminar | Approved for “E” for 112, 112EL and 112PL |
12/16 | Hort | 376 | Tropical Horticultural Systems | Approved for “E” for 112, and 112PL |
12/16 | Microbio | 375 | Microbiome of Plants, Animals and Humans | Approved for “C” for 112, 112NB, and 112PL – Spr ’17 only |
12/16 | Botany | 575 | Principles & Applications of Forensic Botany | Approved again for “E” for 112, 112PL and 112NB – Spring ’17 only. “N” for lab |
12/16 | Hort | 374 | Tropical Horticulture | Removed from “E” 112, 112EL, 112NB & 112PL. Course changed to 376: Tropical Horticultural Systems |
2/17 | Hort | 378 | Tropical Horticultural Systems International Field Study | Approved for “E” for 112, 112NB and 112PL. “N” lab |
2/17 | Med Phys/NTP | 471/675 | Methods for Neuroimaging Research | Course number changed to 651. Approved for 112NB “B” for Fall ’17 & 112 “E”. Approved “Y” |
3/17 | MM&I | 504 | Infectious Diseases of Human Beings | Removed from “B” from 112, 112EL. Course number changed to 704 |
4/17 | Genetics/MD Genetics | 677 | Developmental Genetics for Conservation: Bld Org | Approved for “A” for 112 & 112EL for Fall ’17 |
4/17 | Genetics/MD Genetics | 677 | Evolutionary Systems Biology | Approved for “E” & “Y” for 112, 112EL, 112NB & 112PL for Fall ’17 |
4/17 | Entom | 450 | Basic & Applied Insect Ecology | Approved for “C” for 112, 112EL & 112NB |
4/17 | Entom | 451 | Basic & Applied Insect Ecology Laboratory | Approved for “C” for 112, 112EL & 112NB; “N” for lab |
4/17 | Kines | 337 | Human Anatomy | Approved for “B” for 112, 112EL |
4/17 | Kines | 338 | Human Anatomy Laboratory (previously Anat/Kines 329) | Approved for “B” for 112, 112EL; “F” for 112NB. “Y” lab |
4/17 | Botany/Zoology | 459 | Ecological Techniques for Field Monitoring | Approved for “C” for 112, 112EL, 112NB & 112PL; “N” for lab |
9/17 | Genetics | 677 | Neurogenetics | Approved for “A” for 112 & 112NB for Fall ’17 |
10/17 | NTP/Psych/Zoology | 524 | Neurobiology II: An Introduction to the Brain & Behavior | Removed from NB core, “B” for 112 & 112EL; no longer taught/replaced by Psych 454 |
10/17 | Psych | 556 | Hormones & Behavior | Removed from “B” 112, 112EL. Changed to Psych 501: Hormones, Brain & Behavior. |
10/17 | Hort | 375 | Community Based Learning & Sustainable Food Systems Int’l Field Study in Guatemala | Approved for category “E and “N” lab for 112, 112EL, 112 NB, 112 PL, Summer ’18 |
10/17 | Botany | 575
575 |
Australian Ecology I (1 cr)
Australian Ecol II(?) (3 cr) |
Paired course approved “C” 112, 112 PL, 112EL, 112NB for Spring ’18; and “C” & “Y” for Fall ’18 |
11/17 | Envir St/Geog/Pl Path | 400/475/375 | Food Systems, Sustainability & Climate Change | Approved for “E” for 112, 112 EL, 112PL, and 112NB for Spring ’18. “N” lab |
11/17 | Pl Path | 375 | Plant Microbiomes | Approved “C” and “Y” for 112, 112EL, 112PL and 112NB – Spr ’18 |
11/17 | Zoology | 400 | General Molecular Biology | Approved for “A” for 112, 112EL, 112NB and 112PL for Spr ’18 |
11/17 | Micro | 551 | Capstone Research Project in Microbiology | Formerly Physiological Diversity of Prokaryotes Lab. Removed from capstone list due to limited access. New title approved for “A” for 112, 112EL, “F” for 112NB. “Y” lab |
11/17 | NTP/Zoology | 635 | Neurobiology of Disease | Course number changed to 735. Removed from “A” for 112, 112EL, 112NB. Grad level, cons instr. |
12/17 | Botany | 575 | Principles and Applications of Forensic Botany | Approved for “E” for 112, 112EL, 112NB and 112PL “Y” lab for Spr ’18 |
12/17 | Biochem | 625 | Mechanisms-Vitamins and Minerals | Approved for “A” for 112 and 112EL |
12/17 | Psych | 513 | Hormones, Brain, and Behavior | Approved for “B” for 112, 112NB and 112 EL |
2/18 | Anatomy & Physiology | 335 | Physiology | Department changed from Physiology to Anatomy & Physiology for 112, 112EL and 112 NB |
2/18 | Anatomy & Physiology | 435 | Human Physiology | Department changed from Physiology to Anatomy & Physiology for 112, 112EL and 112 NB |
2/18 | Dy Sci | 471 | Food Production Systems and Sustainability | Approved for “E” for 112, 112EL, 112NB and 112 PL |
2/18 | Genetics | 520 | Neurogenetics | Added for “A” for 112, 112 EL and 112NB |
2/18 | Micro | 335 | The Microbiome of Plants, Animals, and Humans | Added for “C” for 112, 112EL, 112 NB and 112PL |
4/18 | Anatomy & Physiology | 337 | Human Anatomy | Department changed from Kinesiology to Anatomy & Physiology for 112 and 112EL |
4/18 | Anatomy & Physiology | 338 | Human Anatomy Laboratory | Department changed from Kinesiology to Anatomy & Physiology for 112, 112EL and 112 NB |
4/18 | Microbiology | 450 | Diversity, Ecology and Evolution of Microorrganisms | Credits changed from 2 to 3 credits |
4/18 | Pl Path | 315 | Plant Microbiomes | Approved “C” and “Y” for 112, 112EL, 112PL and 112NB |