How do I declare the Biology Major?
Why would I want to declare the Biology Major?
Can I transfer into a specialized major (e.g., microbiology, genetics) from this major?
What are language requirements I need to think about?
Can I declare Honors in the Major?
Is there a Biology Club I can join?
Can department research/lab courses (e.g., a 699 or thesis courses) count for my Laboratory or Field Research Experience Requirement?
Can my Biology/Botany/Zoology 152 research experience count for my Laboratory or Field Research Experience Requirement?
If I have to take a fourth Intermediate/Advanced course to fulfill my 13 credit minimum requirement, does the course have to be from an area that I haven't already taken?
What do I do if I am in CALS and need to fulfill the Capstone Experience?
If I do not want to complete the Biocore sequence which courses should I take? (revised 12/14)
What was the previous Biocore requirement?
If I take a course at another UW-Institution how will it transfer?
Can I take a course for Pass/Fail?
Who is my advisor?